City of Culver Parks and Recreation

Culver City Parks Plan

The Culver City Parks and Recreation Master Plan is a strategic guide for the development and management of the city's recreational facilities and programs, aimed at enhancing community health and quality of life. This plan examines the current and future needs of the city's recreational infrastructure, considering varied perceptions and uses of park space. The plan emphasizes the role of these spaces in fostering community identity, protecting important sites, promoting education, supporting economic development, preserving cultural unity, and encouraging health and fitness.

To conduct effective community outreach for the Culver City Parks and Recreation Master Plan expected to begin in early 2024, The Robert Group in teaming with OLIN, will employ an approach that acknowledges and addresses the diverse needs, interests, and backgrounds of Culver City's residents. Informed by the diverse population demographics, the evolving urban landscape, existing resources and resident demand, the outreach strategy will be inclusive and comprehensive, ensuring that all community voices are heard and considered in the planning process. Through these comprehensive outreach efforts, The Robert Group will ensure that the implementation of the Master Plan reflects the needs, aspirations, and values of all Culver City residents, leading to a more vibrant, healthy, and connected community.

The engagement methods outlined for the project aim to foster a public dialogue about the future of community parks. A pivotal aspect of this plan is the development of a public engagement plan that outlines a series of outreach activities in relation to project goals. Key activities include distributing a community-wide survey during stakeholder focus groups, community events, and on social media in order to gauge community priorities and satisfaction levels with existing amenities.

To emphasize the importance of accessibility and inclusivity, TRG will organize and facilitate community meetings, both in-person and virtual. These meetings will address specific parks as well as the park system as a whole. In addition to these meetings, TRG will leverage online engagement tools like ArcGIS StoryMaps for sharing ideas and updates. The approach also includes targeted outreach to historically marginalized populations through equity-focused engagement pop-ups and partnerships with existing community events. This multi-faceted engagement framework ensures that all community members have the opportunity to contribute to the conversation, providing valuable input that will shape the final Parks Master Plan.